Broadcasters’ Child Development Center is proud to have established itself as a premier childcare center in the Northwest, Washington, DC Metro area. We are grateful to be able to continue providing childcare services to our families and communities due in part to the ongoing financial support of friends and community. To further our educational resources, consider a tax-deductible online donation via our encrypted PayPal portal below.
BCDC is Fundraising! We have partnered with Mabel’s Labels to fundraise for our center resources and enrichment programs.

Visit www.mabelslabels.com. Click on “Support a Fundraiser” and search for Broadcasters Child Development Center. Your purchases now earn the center 20% on the total sale. Mabel’s Labels are machine and dishwasher safe and great for bottles, clothing, backpacks, lunch boxes, luggage tags!
You may also mail a donation to our office at the following address:
Attn: Felicia S. Smith, Operations Manager
Broadcasters’ Child Development Center
4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Ste. LL-01
Washington, DC 20016
Please direct questions about donations and related matters to Felicia S. Smith
Phone: 202-846-7674.